For the first time, this comprehensive Report predicts the growth of American-based online retailers, projected through 2025, and provides an in-depth analysis of category performance and expert commentary from our Research team.
It also offers an insider’s look at category performance and expert insights into two key segments: Apparel & Accessories and Sporting Goods.
Digital Commerce 360 breaks down how each category has performed and how it is expected to perform through 2025 based solely on activity for the Top 2000 companies headquartered in the U.S.
It also includes:
- an overview of the state of U.S. ecommerce and looks ahead to the growth expected in the next two years
- ecommerce traffic; shopper demographics; spending; future forecasting
- 15+ charts and graphs on the state of U.S. ecommerce
Compliments of Luminos Labs
Here’s a peek at some of the data we’ve analyzed:

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